Chaja Nadia Verkerk
Costume professional - visual artist - poet
In 2005 Chaja send in a poem for a Poetry competition for 12-18 year old in the Netherlands; Doe maar Dicht Maar.
Her poem got selected to be published amongst 99 others in the Doe Maar Dicht Maar gedichtenbundel.
Chaja is currently working on new work and is performing in numerous Open Mic events, if you would like to hear Chaja’s work, have a look at the calender.
Some of Chaja’s poetry has been used in the new art exhibition that was hosted by Westbury Park Church, from the 2nd of July 2023, till the 9th of July. Click here for more information about it.
Chaja was selected in the Lyra Poetry Slam as one of the Qualifiers with a poem from her LOSS exhibition.
Below you can find some of her poetry.